The 2015 China Mobile Healthcare Forum was held in Beijing on Dec 12, the first big event heldby the Beijing Mobile
Healthcare Association since it was founded in August.
Government officials in healthcare, medical experts from big hospitals, scholars from topuniversities, as well as
executives from healthcare and insurance companies, attended theforum to discuss the relation and mutual impact
between the Internet and the healthcareindustry.
"We just hope this forum will act as a platform for the government, medical institutes andcompanies to meet and
seek consensus and cooperation in the field of mobile healthcare," saidChe Zhijun, chairman of the association.
Mobile healthcare is a hot topic in the health profession nowadays in China. In 2012, the salesof wearable devices
totaled to 420 million yuan ($65 million). In 2015, the number is estimated toexceed 1 billion yuan, and in 2017
the market value will be about 5 billion yuan, according to theassociation.
Officials from medical device evaluation centers and device supervision unite under China Foodand Drug Administration
also spoke about the approval procedures and regulations on mobileInternet medical devices.