ultrasonic probe how to clean and disinfect |
2016-04-13 |
1, a wide variety of cleaners and disinfectants, to be able to use what products, detailed reading and implementation of the manufacturer's cleaning and disinfection recommendations.
2, do not use sharp objects, do not hit the probe, don't bend, don't use the brush. Do not use paper. 3, probe cleaning and disinfection can use "soaking, spraying, wiping, imprinting etc.. Which method is suitable for your probe need to consult the manufacturer. Clean the probe lens must not be repeatedly forced to wipe (grinding).
4, clean and disinfect the probe, plug or cable must be kept dry. High plug to prevent liquid from entering the probe non sealing area.
5, the use of multi enzyme detergent concentration is appropriate, and thoroughly washed clean.
6, completely dry storage probe. The drying method is preferred for natural cool dry rather than for wiping or dipping. 7, all probe to limit the use of topical disinfection, alcohol and other alcoholic products