WondconMed manual resuscitor's application
The intended of manual resuscitator
1, To maintain and increase the body ventilation
2, To correct the life-threatening hypoxemia.
The principle of manual resuscitator
Oxygen into the spherical balloon and oxygen storage bags, artificial pressure balloon open in front of the flapper,
oxygen pressure within the mask into the nasal disease population close to or within the endotracheal tube,
in order to achieve the purpose of artificial ventilation.
The indications of manual resuscitator
1, Ardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), neonatal apnea
2, All kinds of poisoning, why mass disturbances caused by respiratory depression
3, Nerve and muscle diseases caused by breathing myoparalysis
4, Respiratory disease caused by respiratory depression
5, All kinds of large-scale operation
The contraindications of manual resuscitator
1, Medium activity haemoptysis
2, Active tuberculosis
3, Tension pneumothorax
4, Pulmonary bullae
5, A large number of pleural effusion, etc