The operation steps of Electrosurgical unit
(1) washing hands and wearing masks.
(2) whether the inspection is complete.
(3) switch on the power supply.
(4) alcohol gauze clean negative plate paste.
(5) open the negative plate outer package, check whether the conductive adhesive is uniform and complete, and the negative plate is smooth and firm on the patient's skin.
(6) the connecting line of the negative electrode plate is connected, the connection of the joint is firmly connected, the skin of the patient is not pressed, and the operation range is not affected.
(7) the bipolar foot control switch is placed at the convenient operation of the operator.
(8) a single or bipolar counterpart of the sterile electrical knife line connected to the electric knife prior to the start of the operation.
(9) open the electric knife host switch, after the completion of its self testing procedures, the doctor by hand control switch or foot control switch, check the function of the electric knife is intact.
(10) to adjust the output mode and power according to the doctor's demand in the operation. Including unipolar electric cutting (cut) and electric coagulation (COAG), electric cut into pure cutting (pure cut), mixed cut (blend), mixed cut and divided into spray coagulation (spary), coagulation (forced) and weak coagulation (soft).
(11) the metal parts of the patient's body in the operation of the non contact operating bed, and observe the patient's reaction.
(12) at the end of the operation, turn off the power switch, disconnect the line.
(13) gently tear the negative electrode and check the local skin condition.
(14) finishing use.