Note the monitor |
2016-06-14 |
1. Monitor suddenly doesn't work or display does not light, encountered such a situation first check the power supply is connected or power line jack
No loosening. Secondly check the built-in battery is depleted of all; when placing the electrodes to wipe the skin grease perspiration stains, in order to obtain the optimal signal;
2. HR alarm limit set in the care is very important, don't limit set too high or too low, avoid to cause the illusion.
Effect observation of disease condition, in order to make the accuracy of the measurement data, measurement invasive blood pressure selected cuff should not be too large or too small, too loose or too tight, cuff placed position to correct, measured during try to make the limb of a patient does not move; use of non invasive blood pressure monitoring in patients with, if monitoring time interval is short (15 4, is should pay attention to the friction sleeve and body, prevent skin abrasions, as often as necessary to replace the body measurement;
. oxygen probe can not be with the blood pressure cuff placed on the same arm, placing the probe fingers must be clean and dry, in order to avoid measurement precision
The degree of influence, fingernails painted with nail polish, will also affect the accuracy of measurement;
4. Cleaning monitor and sensor prior to the turn off the power and broke off the AC power supply, with water or diluted detergent, cleaning
Pay attention to prevent liquid from entering the casing; ECG monitor should be every six months to 12 months please professional maintenance staff performance examination; finishing accessories do not fold lines, circular winding, avoid breaking.