Bipap machine note |
2016-05-13 |
1, properly secured headgear, and regularly check the uniform stress of the nasal mask on the face, should be patient comfort without leakage is appropriate, avoid local compression Erzhi skin ulcer, the necessary plug of cotton, mouth breathing should be added with chin, prevent because oral leakage caused by inadequate ventilation.
2, in the process of treatment, attention to observe the patient has the UAV to fight, to guide the patient with the correct method. The patient told closed breathing, lest cause flatulence, pay attention to prevent suffocation.
3, due to the inhalation of high velocity gas flow and airway natural wet of action is not enough, so long-term use must be connected humidifier; in the inspiratory circuit connection atomizer treatment; helping the patient to turn over pat on the back, encourage the sputum, sputum bulls can't self cough were treated by suction, and clear respiratory secretions.
4. Patients with carbon dioxide retention should pay special attention to the setting of IPAP and EPAP.
5, should not be in the best choice in the meal after a meal, 30~60 minutes after treatment.
6, fully grasp the indications and contraindications of BiPAP ventilator.
7, when the treatment is finished, the separation channel and oxygen, pipeline, mask soaked in sterilized; ventilator with 500 mg / L chlorine disinfectant wipe or use of ozone disinfection, air ventilator membrane filtration to remove dry cleaning and put back to the machine.